Rev. Amber Doty

Rev. Amber Doty

My life in ADF:

My name is Rev. Amber Doty.  I grew up in rural Nebraska, and now live in Omaha with my family.  I have been a member of ADF since 2008 and Pagan for over twenty years.  

My roles within ADF:

I am a Senior Priest and Initiate as well as the ADF Social Media Manager.  I am a mentor and course reviewer for several different ADF Study Programs.

Why ADF?

I've spent most of my life studying different religious beliefs and the mythology associated with them but never found an organization that "fit" until I joined ADF. Like so many others, I craved a connection to our Mother Earth and my European ancestors, while still following the call of the Hellenic hearth.  I would constantly find myself researching one religion or another to see if I can find something that fit my path.  One of those research periods led me down the road of modern Druidry and the organizations associated with it.  I read about all of the different groups, and ADF seemed to be the most accessible and the best fit for me.  It took some time for me to feel comfortable but, even during my struggles; I knew that ADF was an organization that I was proud to be a part of.   It took me 5 years, but I managed to work through the Dedicant Path and now love working through the different study programs that ADF has to offer. The connections that I have made through this organization are incredible.  The people here, some of which I have never met in person, feel like my family.  It is important to me to feel connected even when I am physically segregated from a majority of the other members.   I’ve always wanted to find a community, and ADF has helped me do exactly that.

Who am I outside of ADF?

I am a mom, a partner, a sister and daughter.  I am a geek, a book collector, and a gamer.  I have a Masters Degree in IT Management and work in the education technology field.

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