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Full Moon Rite


Attendees are asperged as they line for processional. Sing We Are A Circle as attendees are censed/smudged as they enter the Nemeton.

Fur and Feather
Fur and feather and scale and skin,
Different without but the same within,
Many of body but one of soul,
Through all creatures are the gods made whole.

(Words and music by Sable.)

Gaelic Ritual Phrases

All translations and spoken phrases are by Alexei Kondratiev (right).

Gatekeeper Chants

The following chants are appropriate for the part of the ADF liturgy where we ask a "gatekeeper" or "opener of the ways" deity to help us connect to the Kindreds.

Gatekeeper Open the Portals
Gatekeeper open the portals,
Between the Gods and mortals,
Power freely flows,
As our magic grows.

Learn this chant (57Kb MP3)

Gaulish Gatekeeper Chant

Half-stag, half-man, sitting between,
between this and that,
between this and the other,
god of the gates, open the gates,
Cernunnos who guides my steps.

by Ceisiwr Serith (David Fickett-Wilbar)

Gaulish Prayers and Devotionals

Collection of various prayers and devotionals towards Gaulish gods and goddesses.  Any prayers that come in multiple languages will indicate that they do.

Gaulish Ritual Primer: Gods, Spirits, and Festivals

The following information is a basic primer to get people started with Gaulish Polytheism within ADF.  As time goes on, we will modify and add to this information as our Hearths grow and develop.

Déví Nemetoni: The Gods of the Grove

Gaulish Rituals

Gaulish focused rituals from various ADF members

Gehe voll Weisheit

Übersetzung von Mairi NicDhoiseu

Gehe voll Weisheit von diesem heil‘gen Ort
lass Sorgen zurück, wir sind nicht lange fort.
Stärke sei Dir Bruder,
Würde sei Dein Freund,
das Glück sei Dein Liebster, bis wir uns wiedersehn.

General ADF Rituals

General Rituals

General Articles

The following articles are about gods and spirits in general, or which cross specific cultural boundaries:

General Celtic Rituals
General Guidelines for Email Lists

(Originally published in Oak Leaves #60)

by Revs. Robert Lewis and Jean 'Drum' Pagano

General Norse Rituals
General Welsh Liturgy

This ritual was written and performed prior to the development of our current Order of Ritual in 2006. It is archived here for historical reference only, and does not reflect a current ADF ritual.

Generic Gatekeeper Chant
We invoke you <gatekeeper>,
Opener of every gate,
We invoke you <gatekeeper>,
Opener of every gate.

You will reach us, you will teach us,
And reveal our fate.
You will reach us, you will teach us,

This odd looking word, *ghos-ti, is the Proto-Indo-European word which refers to the reciprocal relationships of hospitality.

Gleichennacht Ritual

The musical signal will be given to call the folk for the ritual.

The folk processes to the ritual site singing The Processional Chant:

Gleichennacht Rituals

Gleichennacht means "even night" and is a fitting name for the ritual celebrated around the time of the Spring Equinox.

Gleichentag Ritual

The musical signal will be given to call the folk for the ritual.

D1: Wir sind heir um die Gtter zu Ehren.

Folk: We are here to honor the Gods.

Gleichentag Rituals

Gleichentag means "even day" and is celebrated around the time of the Fall Equinox (Sept. 21st).

Gods & Dead & Mighty Sidhe
Gods and Dead and Mighty Sidhe,
Powers of Earth and Sky and Sea,
By Fire and Well, by Sacred Tree,
Offerings we make to ye.

(Words and music by Ian Corrigan, ©StoneCreed Grove 1998.)

Gods and Goddesses
The stars, the eyes, of all the Gods shine brightly above us all.
The Goddesses watch their children sleep, in Earth's shelt'ring arms so sweetly.
From forest to bog, river to well, your children call to you now!
Good Night, Sweet Child

(Originally published in Oak Leaves 27)


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