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Leader Bio: Rev. Carrion Mann

Leader Bio: Rob Henderson

Photo of Rob HendersonWhat attracted you or brought you to ADF?

Leader Bio: Rovena Windsor

I am Rovena Windsor. I was born and raised in Missouri though I have visited 38 states, and 3 countries. I was a solitary Pagan from 1972 until I joined ADF in 2005.

Leader Bio: Sean Harbaugh


My name is Sean Harbaugh and I am a Priest and loyal member of ADF since November 2003.

Leader Bio: Skip Ellison

Photo of Skip Ellison [27k]

Leaders of ADF International

Our backgrounds and visions.

Learning from the Trees

What's a Druid without trees? For that matter, what's a world without trees? Yet most of us take trees for granted. When I was teaching honors and Advanced Placement English to gifted high school students, I gave the same assignment at the beginning of each school year.

Leesa Kern

to be update by Leesa Kern

Leis, Política, Tradição, e Costumes dentro da A.D.F.

traduzido por Enbarr MacManannan


Originalmente publicado em Druid's Progress nº14

Let the Way Be Open
Sing through my voice,
Play through my hands,
Let the way be open!

By Abby Spinner and J. Magnus Mcbride

Letting the World Slip Away

I love a rainy day. . . the gentle splash of rain on roof and windowpane, the muted grey light, the enveloping warmth of home and hearth that invites reading, napping, dreaming, letting go of the world.

Linda Sager Kazalski

Linda Sager Kazalski, (sometimes called Bryghteyez) was born and raised in the Catskill Mountains of rural upstate New York.

Listen to the Voices
Listen to the voice of our ancestors.
Listen to the voice of our ancestors.
Calling out the messages between space and time,
Telling us what we need to know in order to survive.
Listen to the voice of our ancestors.
Litany for the Victims of Hurricane Katrina

I've written a 12-part offering module for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Little Acorn Grove Yule - 1999

First published in OAK LEAVES, Yule 1999 - No. 12

Liturgy and Rituals

Honoring the Gods, the Nature Spirits, and our Ancestors.

Local Nature Spirits

I am an Amateur Ethnobotanist, which basically means that the world is my salad bar. Basically ethnobotanists study the complex relationship between plants and cultures.

Loving Our Mother

Caring for the Huron River is a wonderful experience.

Lughnassadh Rituals

Lúghnasadh is also known as Lughnasa (Modern Irish), Lugnasad (Old Irish), Lúnasa (Reformed Modern Irish), Lúnasdain, Lúnasdal, Lunasduinn (Scots Gaelic) and Laa Luanisdyn or Laa Luanys (in Manx), Lammas Day, Garland Day, Domnash Chrom Dubh, Crom Dubh Sunday, Billberry Sunday

Magical Skills in Druidic Ritual

In the Druidic tradition the obligation to perform public ritual has always been strong. The ancient druids were the administrators of ceremony and acted as sacrificers, diviners and counselors for their folk.

Maitag Ritual

The musical signal will be given to call the folk for the ritual.

D1: Wir sind heir um die Goetter zu Ehren.

Folk: We are here to honor the Gods.

Maitag Rituals

Walburgis is also known as "Maitag" for "May Day" and, as you might expect, is usually celebrated at the beginning of May. Corresponding with the Celtic high day called Beltane, many groves set up the traditional "Maypole".

Major Holidays of Rome April to June

One of the most daunting tasks I have procrastinated undertaking with respect to my writing on the Religio Romana is the Roman "Wheel of the Year." Depending on which version of the calendar one consults, somewhere from two thirds to three-quarters of the year in the Roman cal

Major Holidays of Rome July to September

This article is the fifth of a series of articles outlining the basics of a Roman focus of worship and practice and the second in a series about the Roman festival calendar.

Major Holidays of Rome October (Mensis October)

This article is the sixth of a series of articles outlining the basics of a Roman focus of worship and practice, and the third in a series about the Roman festival calendar, the first two covering the months of April through September.


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