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The Armoring

Today I gird myself with triple power
Invocation of the Gods;
Attunement with the Spirits;
Reverence to the Ancestors.

The Autumn cross quarter-Samhain en Français

The Autumn cross quarter-Samhain en Français :

The Autumn cross quarter-Samhain en Français

The Autumn cross quarter-Samhain en Français :

The Basic Principles of Liturgical Design

© Isaac Bonewits
Originally published in Druid's Progress #4

The Beginning of Ár nDraíocht Féin

Originally published in Druid's Progress #1

The Case for Choosing a Pantheon

From the beginning of ADF's work, we have sought to base our Neo-pagan work on the actual ways of Indo-European Pagan cultures. We know that the religious we are making are, and must be, modern.

The Core Cult in Druidic Rites

Our Druidry has, until now, focused on the business of providing meaningful, powerful rituals for large and medium sized groups. Often this takes us toward viewing spiritual ceremony as a series of tasks - speech, thought, movement; set up, presentation and take-down.

The Death Song

(Repaganized from the Carmina Gadelica)

The Death Song

(Originally published in Druid's Progress 11;
Repaganized from the Carmina Gadelica)

The Dedicant Path

The Dedicant Path (DP) is ADF's beginning training program that serves as a year-long introduction to the beliefs and practices of Our Druidry. It is also the prerequisite for other ADF training systems such as guild study programs.

The Dedicant Path – A Milestone on a Wondrous Journey

When Ian Corrigan created the Dedicant Program for ADF, he created a jewel of spiritual growth and learning.

The Dirt on the Jack-in-the-Green

(Originally published in Druid's Progress 13)

When most Pagans hear of a Jack-in-the-Green, they almost always imagine either a Green Man or Robin Hood. I was one those Pagans. Now I know better and here's why...

The Eve Before Yuletide

Author's note: Although technically a piece of satiric poetry, this was originally submitted as part of my storytelling work. Since I am now working on a Rindile (Satirist) concentration, too, I intend to re-submit it as such. Who knows?

The Field of Heroes

(Originally published in Oak Leaves #2)

by Richard MacKelley

The Queen Of Ravens walked with me
and showed me all that I might be
when I was slain She took me home
to rise again to flesh and bone.

The Garanus Meditation

When Three Cranes Grove, ADF, started doing public ritual, we chose not to call on a deity for a gatekeeper, though there were many available.

The Goals of Group Ritual

A Ritual always has more than one goal. There may be many goals or only a few. How many goals a ritual has does not affect how complex a ritual is. The goals of a ritual will affect what is said and done, but not the difficulty of the ritual.

The Healing

Sean McCory was doing about 90 when the bright flash of light on the road ahead caused him to slam on the brakes and skid to a halt on the shoulder.

The Hearth Keeper's Way

The Hearth Keepers of ADF are those individuals, families, and small groups that have aligned themselves and at least a portion of their practice with ADF. The Hearth Keeper’s Way is a method of worship for the folk of Our Druidry.

The Hidden Land

So, O Mighty Ones, we call to you as our kin, in love of the All-Mother, to join in our magic. Come to our fire, Spirits; meet us at the boundary of the otherworld. Guide and ward our way as we come into your realm.

All: Ancestors, accept our sacrifice!

The Intentions of Drudic Ritual

We begin our exposition of the ways of Our Druidry with the intentions of our rites.

The Lore of Tyr

Tyr is a god misunderstood and in large part forgotten by today's neo-pagans. When most of us think of Norse warrior gods, visions of Thorr and his hammer flash before our eyes, and when one thinks of leadership or kingship we see Odinn and maybe Freyr.

The Nature of Sacrifice

The Necessity of Doing Public Ritual

(Originally published in Druid's Progress 9)

The New and Deluxe Sassafras Bilé

This year at Imbolc we consecrated our new Bilé. As the maker of it, I thought I might offer some explanation of the symbols and inscriptions that went into it. Our previous Bilé was made by Earrach, our Senior Druid.

The Norns: Three Sisters in the Wasteland

Perhaps one of the most ancient and widely distributed traditions in the western Indo European lore is that of the Three Sisters of Destiny; kno


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