Oh Earth Mother, We Praise Thee!

Oh Earth Mother, We Praise Thee!

O Earth-Mother, we praise Thee!
In all that we do, do we praise Thee: in our getting up and in our lying down, in sleeping and our waking, in our eating and in our drinking, in our working and in our times of leisure; for we are alive only through Thee, and in our every act do we praise Thee.

O Earth-Mother, we praise Thee!
In all that we see, do we praise Thee: in the sky and sea, the hills and the plains, the clouds and the stars, the moon and the sun, in the birds and the flowers, the butterflies, and the myriad-colored fishes.

We praise Thee with our admiration of the sunset and of the mountains, of the trees and of the streams; for thou hast made all things, and for all we see do we praise Thee.

0 Earth-Mother, We praise Thee!
In all that we hear and smell and taste do we praise Thee: in the song of birds and the roar of the sea, in the perfumes of flowers and the freshness of a summer rain: In the softness of a kitten and the coolness of a lake, in the sweetness of honey and the and the savor of fruits; for all that we hear and smell and feel and taste is of thee, and for all sensible do we praise Thee.

O Earth-Mother, we praise Thee!
For all that we love do we praise Thee: for the love of our parents and for the love of others; for the act and emotions of love is an act and emotion of praise, and in loving do we praise Thee!

Oh Earth-Mother, we praise Thee!
In our meditations and service do we praise and think upon Thy works and power.

O Earth-Mother, we praise Thee!
In all the whole world we praise Thee: from the east to the west do we praise Thee, and from the nadir to the zenith do we praise Thee.

We praise Thee in the day and in the night, in all seasons of the year, and in the myriad of years.

We praise Thee knowing, and unknowing, believing and of little faith; for Thou hast made all and art all, and we can praise and admire nothing without praising and admiring Thee.

O Earth-Mother, we praise Thee!



Page Information:
"Oh Earth Mother, We Praise Thee!." submitted by info-manager on 15 May, 2019. Last modified on 19 February, 2022.
Page URL: https://www.adf.org/node/4376

Related Pages: Nature

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