Hittite call to Hasamelis
Hittite call to Hasamelis
Hasamelis, god of travelers:
with this biscuit cast into the fire I call you to me
with this pita bread cast into the fire I call you to me
with this loaf of bread, split open and cast into the fire, I call you to me.
With the first may you begin to come to me.
With the second may you continue to come to me.
With the third may you arrive here in my presence.
As the bread is split, so may the door between this world and that of the Holy Ones open;
as the smoke from our offerings rises, so may our prayers rise freely to those in the sacred realm,
that the Holy Ones may pour out as freely as this poured-out beer their blessings
Hasamelis, god of travelers, cause to travel between this world and that our prayers.
by Ceisiwr Serith (David Fickett-Wilbar)
Page Information:
"Hittite call to Hasamelis." submitted by CeisiwrSerith on 23 Maio, 2020. Last modified on 23 Maio, 2020.
Page URL: https://www.adf.org/pt-br/ritual-categories/gatekeeper/hittite-call-hasamelis
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