Celtic Yule Ritual

Celtic Yule Ritual

Winter Solstice is called "Mean Geimredh", mid-winter, in Irish, "Alban Arthan", the point of roughness, in Wales, "Modranicht", mother night, to the Anglo-Saxon's, "Deuorius Riuri", great divine winter feast, in the Coligny Calendar and "Yule." The word "Yule," according to Bede and various other authorities of the olden time is derived from an archaic Norse word "Jol," meaning "a wheel."

The Winter Solstice represents the rebirth of the sun, which is a particularly important turning point. The night of Solstice is the longest night of the year. Darkness triumphs; and yet, gives way and changes into light.

-Taken from "The Wheel of the Year at Muin Mound Grove, ADF" by  Rev. Skip Ellison


Page Information:
"Celtic Yule Ritual." submitted by info-manager on 15 May, 2019. Last modified on 19 February, 2022.
Page URL: https://www.adf.org/rituals/celtic/yule/index.html

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