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Recommended Gaulish Sources

Books: Gaulish Celtic Studies:

    Reflections on being an Urban Pagan

    Deciding to follow a nature-based religion if you live in the midst of a city can be a challenge. Druids who live on farms or in woods, or even in the midst of suburban greenery can often step outside and immediately be in contact with the Earth.

    Reintroducing Solitary Work Into Your Life

    Many times, I have heard solitaries in ADF react with envy to the ease in which Grove-affiliated members can find community in their worship, especially if said solitaries are geographically isolated and not solitary by choice.

    Religio Romano: Simple Daily Home Rites and Prayers

    (Originally published in Oak Leaves No. 13.)

    Rethinking Imbolc

    Imbolc marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox, and is held as the beginning of spring itself. Certainly the days are growing perceptively longer so that the power of night is moving, however slowly, towards its eventual defeat during summer.

    Rev. Amber Doty
    My life in ADF:

    My name is Rev. Amber Doty.  I grew up in rural Nebraska, and now live in Omaha with my family.  I have been a member of ADF since 2008 and Pagan for over twenty years.  

    My roles within ADF:

    Rev. Christopher Temple

    This is the default page

    Rev. G r Grove

    Placeholder text

    Rev. Lauren Mart

    Updated May 2022

    Rev. William Ashton II

    Rite of Ancestral Healing

    The person I wrote this ritual for was experiencing problems with his body not acting as it should (sort of like a cancerous growth).

    Rite of Claiming and Hallowing

    This is an example of a rite to be performed by the celebrants of public
    rites while the company is being prepared for the procession.

    1. The Seer leads a detailed grounding and centering.

    2. The Chief gives nine knocks or knells, saying:

    Rite of Offering

    This ritual can be performed at a home hearth shrine or in a larger Nemeton with a minimum of tools or preparations. It is especially good for solitary work, or for very small groups.

    Rite of the Summer Solstice and the Skira (Solitary Hellenic)

    Submitted for the 2008 Liturgist Guild Yearbook. Written by Brandon in Japan and Converted from PDF by Victoria S

    Hellenic Solitary
    Rite of the Summer Solstice and the Skira (Solitary Hellenic)

    Submitted for the 2008 Liturgist Guild Yearbook. Written by Brandon in Japan and Converted from PDF by Victoria S

    Hellenic Hekate
    Rite of the Summer Solstice and the Skira (Solitary Hellenic)

    Submitted for the 2008 Liturgist Guild Yearbook. Written by Brandon in Japan and Converted from PDF by Victoria S

    Hellenic Demeter
    Rite of the Summer Solstice and the Skira (Solitary Hellenic)

    Submitted for the 2008 Liturgist Guild Yearbook. Written by Brandon in Japan and Converted from PDF by Victoria S

    Hellenic Kore
    Rite of the Summer Solstice and the Skira (Solitary Hellenic)

    Submitted for the 2008 Liturgist Guild Yearbook. Written by Brandon in Japan and Converted from PDF by Victoria S

    Hellenic LitYearBook2008
    Ritual Chants

    The words we use to bring Our Druidry to life.

    Many of our chants are particularly suited for certain parts of our liturgy, so they are organized by ritual section below.

    Ritual for Healing after Hurricane Katrina

    Musical Signal

    Honoring the Earth-Mother

    O, Glorious womb of harvest.
    You fiery heart of creation.
    Gracious green mother.
    Ritual Videos

    Below is our first video of a solitary ADF druid ritual, as well as a video of a grove Blessing Rite. We plan to add more to this section soon.

    Roman Gods and Deities

    The following pages are about Roman gods and spirits:

    Roman Rituals

    The following are ADF rituals inspired by the ancient Roman culture:

    Sacred Crows' Samhain - 1998

    Grove of the Sacred Crows, ADF

    Set-up: have 2 fires set-up // Light the old year's fire

    Bardic invitation: "Black shadow, Raven Wing"

    Processional: slow steady drummimg


    Sacred Space, an Exploration of the Triple Center

    There are three great gates that are central to Druid rites: The Well is the Deep Gate, The Fire is the Bright Gate, The Tree is the All-Reaching Gate.

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