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Earth Mother Song

“Earth Mother Song”

We offer this in thanks and praise,
may all our words ring clear,
through all the nights and all the days,
our lives and every year.

Earth, Sky and Sea
Earth, Sky and Sea
Blessed are these three
Day bright and darkest night
Two sides of the light

And one in mind
We will find
Our praises here resound
Yes one in mind
We will find
Eine Vision für Ar nDraiocht Fein

Übersetzung von Ellie Lazzaro

Ursprünglich veröffentlicht in „News from the Mother Grove“, November 1995

Elevation of Rev. Michael J Dangler as an ADF Senior Priest

This is the ordination rite of Rev. Michael J Dangler at Summerland in 2010, elevating him to a Senior Priest in ADF.

Ellie Lazzaro

I'm Ellie Lazzaro and I live in Germany. I've been actively and consciously a Pagan since more than 20 years. Coming from your typical Wiccan background I've been trained in the Western Mystery Tradition including long years of practical Qabbalah.

Em Lughnassadh

Tradução por Leonni Moura

(Nota, este estava originalmente incluído como preâmbulo do ritual de Lughnassadh do Stone Creed Grove publicado no Oak Leaves 7.)


From the recent film Sinbad to the Principia Discordia to the Theogany of Hesiod, the Greco-Roman Goddess of Chaos, Discord, and Strife has been showing up a lot recently.

Establishing ADF's Initiatory Current
The Archdruids meditate
before the ritual

Gatherings of ADF Folk and Neopagans

Below are Neopagan gatherings we host or have a presence at. Most events happen at the same time every year, so contact the event organizers for upcoming dates if a past event interests you.

Explanations of ADF Ritual

The following articles explain various aspects of ADF ritual and ritual performance.

Explorations of Dionysus: Cult, Myth, Mystery

Dionysus is one of several deities whose popular worship was practiced throughout Greece. Commonly known as God of wine and vegetation, he is spatially associated with both Athens and Thebes, while mythology also links him to Crete and other islands.

Exploring Celtia: The Primary Division

In order to understand the religion and magic of the Pagan Celts it is important to comprehend their basic symbols and cosmology. Every culture has a basic map of the universe, physical and spiritual, that allows its people to understand their place in the cosmos.

Fall Equinoxe en Français

(Written by Eikthyrnir Odinson)

Fall Equinoxe en Français

(Written by Eikthyrnir Odinson)

FAQs about ADF IRC
Female Rite of Passage

Here's an offering of a female coming of age rite of passage based on the Spartan wedding ceremony. I was going to abstract from it and offer an outline as well, but I kept delaying posting because I just wasn't doing the outline.

Fiction As Reality

(Originally published in Druid's Progress 12)

Fire, Bright Fire
Fire, bright fire
Gate to the Shining Ones
Fire, bright Fire
Our passage to the Sky
Fire, bright Fire
Warmth of our Community
Spark of Life
We honor you now

Well, deep Well
Gate to the Underworld
Foclóir Draíochta - Druid Irish Dictionary

by Seán ÓTuathail

ADF rituals often include a few Irish phrases, so the following guide to Irish for Druids is copied on our site for easy reference.

For Fire’s a Goddess Song

“For Fire’s a Goddess”


This flame is small
that's how it seems
yet even so it bears our dreams


For flame's a goddess
to whom we pray
to be one family,
here today.

Formal ritual for Daily or Weekly devotion in Breton

Al liderezh zeoliezh ur wezh bep sizhun ha bemdez e Brezhoneg.

Keywords for this ritual :

Free Spirit Gathering Ritual


Free Spirit Gathering Ritual Retrospective

Free Spirit Gathering (FSG) is an annual Pagan gathering in northern Maryland with an attendance of about 700 people each year. The opening, closing and main rituals are coordinated by the planning committee, but a number of other groups offer both open and closed rituals.

Full Moon Healing Ritual

We have written the following prayer for ADF Members and other interested folks to invite healing for those who need it.

We invite you to perform the following ritual at any point during the day of the Full Moon that is convenient to you.

Full Moon Rite

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