Beltaine/Samhain Blessings!

Beltaine/Samhain Blessings!

Beltaine/Samhain Blessings!

The blessings of the Earth Mother to you all!
Seasons change,
The Sun,...
Great power about us that brings us heat and thus life,
Moves from one place on the ecliptic to another.
Season change,
Fire lit on every hilltop,
Often, in the distant past,
Now today, in Groves and homes that are aware
Hopefully to all hilltops in the future, again.
We celebrate this fire festival of life,
In its many phases.
We remember and speak to the ancestors who passed,
This past season,
And every season from here to the beginning,
We speak the ancestors of our hearth and heart,
We stand, in respect, on those ancestors who lived on this land,
Before us.
We celebrate the day nestled in the spirits of nature,
Here is our home;
We are not cut away from them,
They are here with us;
We are not separate from them,
We live with them,
Even if we keep to separate spaces;
We look for rejoinder with them,
We celebrate the connection.
We bask in the light of the Shining Ones on this day,
As they shines their wonders and their magics upon us.
Let us work our magics as well this day!
We touch the Earth Mother and she is warm and welcoming,
Waking from a slumber wearing a mantle of green.
We call to her this day and every day in thanks.
In the perfect symmetry and beauty of the Earth Mother,
We celebrate with our friends in a different hemisphere,
Who gather to them all of the same things,
Yet see the Earth Mother as she rests.
What an amazing world we behold!
May the blessings of the Earth Mother and the Kindreds be yours this day,
Be it Beltaine or Samhain,
Be it Waking or resting,
Be it warming or cooling!
We gather together as one!

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