Voicing our Support and Solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

Voicing our Support and Solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe

As issued by the ADF Mother Grove

We call out to those in need and voice our support and solidarity with the
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe:

We ask that the remains of ancestors be respected and not be destroyed,
damaged, or moved without exercising the greatest of care and understanding
in relocating remains, if such an activity is called for. If at all
possible, we would like ancestors left when ancestors have been laid to
rest. We hold our ancestors sacred and hold the ancestors of the indigenous
people of this continent sacred as Ancestors of the Bone, namely those
ancestors that lived on the land before us;

We ask that sacred sites be left alone and not turned under by plough, by
bulldozer, or by excavation equipment when other alternatives present
themselves. Holy sites retain the blessings of the Nature Spirits that have
communed, convened, and celebrated on those spots. When at all possible, we
ask that these sites be left in the way that they were found: still
accessible to those who practice their ways there and safe from unnecessary

We honor those who wish to preserve, protect, and revere the sacred
life-giving waters that are a gift to all from the Mother Earth, or Earth
Mother, to the people who live and worship on the land. We recognize that
the Earth Mother is not the same for all people, but bends, shapes, and
adapts Herself to the locations on which she extends and flourishes. We
honor the Earth Mother in our ways, and we honor the Earth Mother in the
ways of those who live in this place.

We call out to those in need and voice our support and solidarity with the
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and give blessings for peace and success.

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